Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HomeMade Real Lemon Extract

Well hi there!!! 

Today i am bringing to you a DIY " Do it yourself" on how to make Real Lemon Extract and i think its even better that McCormick's or any other brand out there and the best thing is it is just at a fraction of the cost, well on the long run.

I had a lot of fun doing this because well i had a few drinks while doing it hahaha but seriously also you get to recycle which is awesome!!!

It all started when i was making a version of big coffee house *i am not going to mention names* but i was making their lemon bread and i had to buy a real lemon extract and it was kinda expensive well i find it very expensive over $5 or $6 for one once? and for us small business owners we have to look after every penny because if not well we won't make it.

So i decided to make my own and for this you will need:


1. Clean empty bottle * I reused a liquor bottle that i had*
2. 2-3 Big Lemons
3. Vodka * I used Absolut vodka well what i drink lol*
4. Knife


1.Sanitize the bottle

2.Peel the lemons *Note try to clean it the very best you can or try to take out the white lining as much as possible because it will turn it bitter*

3.Put the lemon peels inside the bottle

4.Add one cup of vodka per one lemon *i added 2 cups per 3 lemon* Because most recipes calls for water but i do not add water it makes it more intense and cuts down the waiting period*

5.Close the bottle and store in a dark place for about 1-2 weeks and giving a swirl every now and then

So that about it very easy to do, also other recipes tells you either zest it or chop it but i don't find it necessary to do it. 

Also you can refresh it by adding more peels then later on refill it when you know you won't use it for 1-2 weeks

You will see in the long run it's a money saver because one cup is a lot and it doesn't spoil that easily.

Well there you have it!!!

See ya next time and may the dorkyness be with you!

Optimus Dork

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Welcome!!! Please Read!!!

Hi i just want to take this chance to welcome to my blog 3 new local stores apart from mine. This store are from great people that excels on what they do and they are:

1.ArtTeesTikCo - ArtTeesTikCo  es una colección de obras artesanales únicas, con un estilo muy peculiar característico de la artista. Didi trabaja cada pieza como una obra artística individual, por eso cada pieza es tan hermosa como única. Adquiere arte. Desde Bayamón, P.R puedes conseguir obras artesanales en ferias, eventos y su site en etsy además de su pagina de Facebook en la cual tendras un link en el blog.

2.Indulges Sweet - Tamara's Homemade Desserts!! Trabaja una gran variedad de postres, bizcochos, galletas, frutas, coquitos además es conocida por empanadillas llamada Padillas entre otras cosas para todo tipo de ocasión. Cada uno de los postres es creado con mucho amor y dedicación. Se trabaja por pedidos y te complacemos en lo que desees. Desde Toa Baja, P.R puedes conseguir todo los deliciosos postres desde su pagina de Facebook en la cual tendras un link en el blog o dejando un Voicemail o text en este numero (787) 354-8328.

3. The Art of Tico Jiménez - Independent artist, Conocido artista local entre sus trabajo más famoso se encuentra Sharky Tuna, Borrero además es un gran promotor de los talentos locales en el mundo de los comics, tirillas y dibujos.